This is a blog for women (not just moms) who:

(1) Desire to be transformed by JESUS' LOVE, HOLINESS, AND GRACE;

(2) Believe that GOD'S WORD is the true Spirit food for HIS HOLY SPIRIT who lives within us;

(3) Submit to GOD and walk this journey of life with HIM transforming us more and more into HIS likeness.

It's a blog about the POWER OF TRANSFORMED LIVES. Let's begin with yours and mine and pass it on... 1 + 1 + 1...

Since GOD's HOLY SPIRIT lives inside a christian, let's choose to be nurtured and transformed by feasting daily on HOLY SPIRIT food - GOD's WORD - The Holy Bible..

My regular posts stopped in 2013, with a major move and the chronic illness and eventual death of our oldest daughter. Yes, we grieve daily, yet I am determined to continue to let the LIGHT of my LORD and SAVIOR shine through me. I have tried to start posting again, over the last few years, but have not been consistent. So, I think the biggest blessing for you and me both will be to intersperse some new posts while revisiting some of the former posts. Let's begin with "Oh, the JOY!" as we head into living through Fall 2019; meeting back here 1-2 days a week.

If you need daily encouragement, you will find plenty by clicky on past posts. When reading earlier posts, you will see that I often posted daily, following this format: ...Sunday in the SON, Meditation Monday, GratiTuesday, Women in the WORD Wednesday, Transforming Thursday, Family Fellowship Friday, Ketchup & Mustard Saturday.

There's a whole lot here! Take your time to browse.

Please come back and visit each week. Welcome!

Because of JESUS, we can be family,



Romans 12:1-2 "Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Sneezing and Laughter! Thank you, God!
As many of you know, one of our daughters has had a battle with chronic pain for the last 14 years. She came back to live with us last year at the age of 25. We make a huge effort to "make the moments" when we can. We rate her pain scale from 0 to 10 with 10 standing for excruciating pain. We know when her pain is at an 11 because she asks us to leave the room because light and sound are intolerable.
For quite a few years, Jessica could not sneeze. Then, after she had a procedure done by a doctor in Boulder, Colorado we found ourselves praising God each time she sneezed. The sneezing gave her some relief and acted as a de-tox mechanism for her body. So, for me, when I hear someone say, "God bless you!", after someone sneezes it means something!!! It may be a little thing to someone else. It's a big deal to me! I heard Jessica sneeze yesterday! Thank you, God!
We live about 18 miles from Citizen's Bank Park in Philadelphia where the World Series was being played last night. There was a full moon and I talked with Steve about making a drive over to see all the festivities like we did in 2008. Yet, last night, Jessica's pain level was only at an 8, so she joined us in the den to watch the Phillies and the Yankess play in the World Series. Jessica is not a baseball fan but she does love her sister, Crystal, who is a diehard Yankees fan.
Last night as we sat in our den, Steve and Crystal texted back and forth throughout the game - like they often do. Crystal texted from her dorm many miles away where she goes to school in Michigan. Steve texted and laughed from his recliner in our den! The baseball bantering back and forth continued throughout the game. Steve got to laughing so much that Jessica and I began laughing at Steve laughing. Ah! Yes! Jessica was even laughing. Not something that happens too often for someone with chronic pain. Thank you, God, for the little things! To us, it's a big thing! You were so right when you said in Proverbs 17:22 that a "cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Today, I'm thankful for many little things, including, sneezes and laughter!
May God bless you today, in sneezing and laughter, forevermore!
For now, I'm also thankful that there's another game tomorrow night. Crystal and Jessica should both be wearing their shirts:

1 comment:

Brenda Collins said...

i am so glad jessica got some time out of the house and got some laughs in there too.