Choosing God... loving Him... obeying His commands... praying for God's wisdom to do the right thing even when it is hard... being with God's family... WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH STEVE SIKES?????? Everything! I love that man of mine! He is a man of great INTRApersonal strength. He likes his alone time... alone time with God.... alone time with his family... Today is his birthday! I am so blessed to have now been part of over 36 of his birthdays. But, this weekend he is speaking at Family Camp Weekend at Camp Manatawny in Pennsylvania to 50+ families with young children. He is there. I am at home with Jessica. Happy Birthday, Stephen Charles!
Choosing God... loving Him... obeying His commands... praying for God's wisdom to do the right thing even when it is hard... being with God's family... WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH PIZZA??????
No, I did not put Ketchup or Mustard on my pizza, but I did eat this piece! Two 15-20 passenger vans pulled up to our house last night full of teens delivering a pizza to Jessica and me. They could have been any place else, but instead they chose to spend their Friday night with God's family. They knocked on our door before dusk, delivering a pizza (made to order with onions, olives, and peppers - love the jalepenos!!)
They waited for directions from me, because they knew that I had been given a paper that would tell them what to do while at my house. Tim, our deacon of youth (in the light blue shirt), had orchestrated this fun filled evening. Steve, Chuck, and Garth were dads who had joined the fun as drivers and chaperones.
Here's the CLUE CHALLENGE that I read to the kids:
- You have three minutes to complete this task: EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE. You need one person to complete, saying in order, the books of the Old Testament. You will need another person to say the books of the New Testament in order. The rest of the group will divide into two groups and will have to act our one Bible story each before the time is up.
- Time will begin once your selected person begins saying the Old Testament. Once the Old is completed your person will begin the New Testament. Once the New is completed, your first group can begin acting out your story. Once we guess correctly, the next group can act out their Bible story. The groups must not do the same Bible story and you must complete this task in three minutes or less. You have a couple minutes to strategize. Good Luck!
Tim and Cassidy stood by me with the timer and said, "GO!"
The groups worked on their skits in the background .
...while Logan said the books of the Old Testament....
Corey sang and said the books of the New Testament...
After getting everyone organized, the first group acted out Jesus' birth...
Then, it was time for me to give them their clue as to where they were to head for their next stop. Here it is... can you figure it out?
If you thought of Harry and IT, you are correct. The teen group quickly figured out that their next stop was Harriet's!
That's it for today! Praying that each new day God is becoming EVERYTHING TO YOU!
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