Today's date is so unique! It reminds me that I am a fan of ones!
In Ephesians chapter 4, there is a focus on ONES:
"As a prisoner for the Lord, then,
I urge you to live a life worthy
of the calling you have received.
2 Be completely humble and gentle;
be patient,
bearing with one another in love.
3 Make every effort to keep
the unity of the Spirit
through the bond of peace.
4 There is ONE body
and ONE Spirit,
just as you were called to ONE hope when you were called;
ONE Lord,
ONE baptism;
ONE God and Father of all,
who is over all and through all and in all.
7 But to each ONE of us
grace has been given
as Christ apportioned it.
- 1 Body
- 1 Spirit
- 1 Hope
- 1 LORD
- 1 Faith
- 1 Baptism
- 1 God and Father of all
- 1 Godly Husband
- 1 Godly Oldest son
- 1 Godly Oldest daughter
- 1 Godly Youngest son
- 1 Godly Youngest daughter
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