This is a blog for women (not just moms) who:

(1) Desire to be transformed by JESUS' LOVE, HOLINESS, AND GRACE;

(2) Believe that GOD'S WORD is the true Spirit food for HIS HOLY SPIRIT who lives within us;

(3) Submit to GOD and walk this journey of life with HIM transforming us more and more into HIS likeness.

It's a blog about the POWER OF TRANSFORMED LIVES. Let's begin with yours and mine and pass it on... 1 + 1 + 1...

Since GOD's HOLY SPIRIT lives inside a christian, let's choose to be nurtured and transformed by feasting daily on HOLY SPIRIT food - GOD's WORD - The Holy Bible..

My regular posts stopped in 2013, with a major move and the chronic illness and eventual death of our oldest daughter. Yes, we grieve daily, yet I am determined to continue to let the LIGHT of my LORD and SAVIOR shine through me. I have tried to start posting again, over the last few years, but have not been consistent. So, I think the biggest blessing for you and me both will be to intersperse some new posts while revisiting some of the former posts. Let's begin with "Oh, the JOY!" as we head into living through Fall 2019; meeting back here 1-2 days a week.

If you need daily encouragement, you will find plenty by clicky on past posts. When reading earlier posts, you will see that I often posted daily, following this format: ...Sunday in the SON, Meditation Monday, GratiTuesday, Women in the WORD Wednesday, Transforming Thursday, Family Fellowship Friday, Ketchup & Mustard Saturday.

There's a whole lot here! Take your time to browse.

Please come back and visit each week. Welcome!

Because of JESUS, we can be family,



Romans 12:1-2 "Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Thankful 3

  1. Living IN CHRIST and THE HOLY SPIRIT living IN ME because GOD, my FATHER has created The 3.
  2. Living as part of a physical family who are also my ETERNAL SPIRITUAL FAMILY: Steve/Patti, children/spouses/grandchild, and a huge extended family including: parents/siblings/nieces/nephews...
  3. Living in a country where there are still freedoms of choice to worship with and have fellowship and friendship with my extended spiritual family who are not my physical family... ETERNAL SPIRITUAL FAMILY....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


We began on Sunday of this week discussing the gospel and the Holy Spirit's work in...

  • convicting
  • gifting
  • moving and inspiring
  • sealing and pledging

These are powerful concepts to sink our teeth in to as we praise and thank the Holy Spirit for His work in our lives. Here are scriptures to help us do just that:
Jesus speaks in John 16:7-15,
"Unless I go away,
the Counselor (The Holy Spirit) will not come to you;
but if I go, I will send Him to you.
When He comes,
He will convict the world
of guilt in regard to sin
and righteousness
and judgment:
in regard to sin,
because men do not believe in me;
in regard to righteousness,
because I am going to the Father,
where you can see me no longer;
and in regard to judgment,
because the prince of this world (Satan)
now stands condemned."

This week already I have posted different scriptures that tell about this. Peter takes it a step further in 1 Peter 4:7-11,
"The end of all things is near.
Therefore be clear minded
and self-controlled
so that you can pray.
Above all, love each other deeply,
because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
Each one should use whatever gift
he has received to serve others,
faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks,
he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.
If anyone serves,
he should do it with the strength God provides,
so that in all things God may be praised
through Jesus Christ.
To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever."

Peter speaks again about the Holy Spirit in 2 Peter 1:20-21,
But know this first of all,
that no prophecy of Scripture
is a matter of one's own interpretation,
for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will,
but men moved by the Holy Spirit
spoke from God."


Ephesians 1:12-14 reminds us that upon becoming christians we were given God's stamp of approval that basically says that we are His children... His heirs....
"...we who were the first to hope in Christ
should be to the praise of His glory.
In Him, you also,
after listening to the message of truth,
the gospel of your salvation —
having also believed,
you were sealed in Him
with the Holy Spirit of promise,
who is given as a pledge of our inheritance..."

Join me in praise and thanksgiving
for the Holy Spirit of God
at work in and through His people!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Sunday at the Pitman church of Christ was "Pack the Pulpit Sunday". It was a time of Thanksgiving! It was a time of praise! We brought our gifts and laid them up front to share with those in need. Here, the little children began the process, as my cell phone camera captured a few pictures.


It became a "whirlwind" of activity as more and more groceries came.

Even an area "Brownie Troop" got in the act and donated over 70 bags of groceries!
Because of our growing and crowded conditions, we have two services. So during second service, the elementary children divided the groceries up into boxes to be "delivered" to specific families.
Our Life Group then stayed afterwards to help Bob and Jeri "deliver" the groceries to families in need.

There are many people, from all walks of life, who are using their spiritual gifts in our church family to "build up the body of Christ". I am so thankful!

1 Corinthians 12:1-6

.Now about spiritual gifts, brothers,
I do not want you to be ignorant.
You know that when you were pagans,
somehow or other you were influenced
and led astray to mute idols.
Therefore I tell you that no one
who is speaking by the Spirit of God says,
"Jesus be cursed,"
and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord"
except by the Holy Spirit.
There are different kinds of gifts,

but the same Spirit.
There are different kinds of service,
but the same Lord.
There are different kinds of working,
but the same God works all of them in all men. "

Monday, November 23, 2009


Each person's genetics, physical characteristics, intellect, personality, and emotional make-up are different even if some similarities do exist. Then, when a person comes to Christ (as talked about in yesterday's post), she receives spiritual gifts or grace gifts for the building up of the body.
Yesterday, one of our preachers, Dan Cooper began a discussion of this subject. He spoke about how diverse our church family is. We are a body of believers who have come from all different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. We are represented by a myriad of different talents and ability levels that we use out in the workplace. So, there is a lot we have to give to the body of Christ based on our job skill set and our background of experiences.
It is at the point when each of us came to the LORD that the Holy Spirit gave gifts for the building up of the body of Christ. There are several scriptures that discuss that specifically. Yesterday, Dan spent a little time in Romans 12:3-8. If you are a christian, ask yourself, "Which of these spiritual gifts has God given me that I can use to build up my church family?" and "Who are some people who have these gifts and use them well that I can thank for being in tune with the Spirit?" When christians fail to use their gifts effectively, it hurts the entire body!
"For by the grace given me I say to every one of you:
Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought,
but rather think of yourself with sober judgment,
in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
Just as each of us has one body with many members,
and these members do not all have the same function,
so in Christ we who are many form one body,
and each member belongs to all the others.
We have different gifts,
according to the grace given us.
  • If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith.
  • If it is serving, let him serve;
  • if it is teaching, let him teach;
  • if it is encouraging, let him encourage;
  • if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously
  • if it is leadership, let him govern diligently
  • if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully


For me, I am convinced that out of this list, God has given me the gifts of prophesying, teaching, and leadership. It is my prayer that I have the spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear how the Spirit wants me to use these gifts.

Yesterday, Dan said, we can choose our responses when we observe how others use their gifts:

  1. We can be intimidated.
  2. We can be infuriated
  3. We can let the Holy Spirit inspire us and move us to use our gifts for the building up of the body of Christ.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Friday was here,
but Sunday has come!

What was a very dark, discouraging, dying Friday was transformed into an light filled, encouraging, eternal life Sunday.

For forty days after His Sunday resurrection, Acts 1 says,
"Jesus began to do and teach,
until the day when He was taken up,
after He had by the Holy Spirit
given orders to the apostles
whom He had chosen.
To these He also presented Himself alive,
after His suffering, by many convincing proofs,
appearing to them over a period of forty days,
and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God."

Acts 1:8 continues,
"...but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit
has come upon you;
and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea and Samaria,
and even to the remotest part of the earth. "
And after He had said these things,
He was lifted up
while they were looking on,
and a cloud received Him
out of their sight.
And as they were gazing intently into the sky
while He was departing,
behold, two men in white clothing
stood beside them;
and they also said,
"Men of Galilee,
why do you stand looking into the sky?
This Jesus,
who has been taken up from you into heaven,
will come in just the same way
as you have watched Him go into heaven."

Ten days later, the apostles received the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem... Peter preached the gospel... the people asked questions... Peter answered... and the church of Jesus Christ began. I love this part of Peter's sermon and the results that followed:
Acts 2:36-47
"Therefore let all the house of Israel
know for certain that
God has made Him both Lord and Christ —
this Jesus whom you crucified."
Now when they heard this,
they were pierced to the heart,
and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,
"Brethren, what shall we do?"
And Peter said to them,
"Repent, and let each of you be baptized
in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins;
and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
For the promise is for you and your children,
and for all who are far off,
as many as the Lord our God shall call to Himself."
And with many other words
he solemnly testified
and kept on exhorting them, saying,
"Be saved from this perverse generation!"
So then, those who had
received his word were baptized;
and there were added that day
about three thousand souls.
And they were continually
devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching
and to fellowship,
to the breaking of bread
and to prayer...
And the Lord was adding to their number
day by day those who were being saved. "
It was then, that I believe these words that they had previously heard from Jesus began to sink deeper,
"All authority has been given to Me
in heaven and on earth.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
and the Son
and the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all
that I commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20


After reading the scriptures above, join us this week as we look at more that the Holy Spirit does:
  • He gifts!

  • He convicts!

  • He moves and inspires!

  • He is a seal and a pledge!


Friday, November 20, 2009



Catch Up and Must Do!

I love the holidays! I love the time spent with family as we celebrate our bond in Christ and family together. I remember the wonderful times of family and fellowship we had in this room in our home in York, Nebraska. It was not unusual to have dozens together here as either spiritual family, physical family, or both. I remember seeing the new millenium in together with about 40-50 Sikes in this room. We celebrated graduations together with Kleins/Sikes in this room. Steve still refers to this room as one of his favorite places on earth.

This holiday season, we won't all be together in body. Although plans may change, I plan to be with 3 of our children and families in the Kansas City area. Steve and Jess will be here due to health reasons. Some of the Sikes will be converging on Wichita, Kansas for their Thanksgiving together. The Klein's will be in Missouri and Alabama. The Spirit of God will be in all of those places! What a heritage!
This week as we've talked about what the Holy Spirit does in our lives, we've been reminded that the HOLY SPIRIT bears witness that we are children of God and as children of God, the HOLY SPIRIT grows spiritual fruit in our lives. Reading the marquee, this week, in front of our church building attests to it. In Christ, our spiritual inheritance is "out of this world" and "to die for". What a heritage!


Romans 8:14-17


For all who are being led

by the Spirit of God,

these are sons of God.

For you have not received

a spirit of slavery leading to fear again,

but you have received

a spirit of adoption as sons

by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit

that we are children of God,

and if children, heirs also,

heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ,

if indeed we suffer with Him

in order that we may also

be glorified with Him. "



Are there some days that you have to wear a tee shirt to let your family know that the fruit of the Spirit is living and growing in you?

Oh, I know about "horrible, no good, bad days", as Alexander would say! Yet, there is something I wish I would have talked more about to my children. I do plan to talk to my grandkids about is this. I want them to hear me say,


"I'm sorry!

Will you forgive me?

Some days

I mess up and

I don't allow God's Spirit

to bless others through me!

I love you! "

Carl Brecheen said it this summer! He talked about how all of the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit work through love. That makes a lot of sense when I read I Corinthians 13. Join me today, in seeing your family with the eyes of love today.

Steve and Annie Chapman have some great materials for encouraging Spirit living. The book, Gifts Your Kids Can't Break, is still in print, but the CD (one of my very favorites for families) is out of print but can be bought used on Ebay and Amazon. The "new" price for the Precious Moments CD is $40.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


It's interesting how this spiritual battle that we live sometimes gets harder when we focus on one thing to help us improve. Most of us have heard or said, "I prayed for patience and it got harder!"
The more I live, the more I realize that the fruit that the Holy Spirit grows inside of us from much raking/tilling, weed pulling, planting, watering, fertilizing, and sun (Son) absorption of our hearts. Our responses are often not "Thank You, Jesus!". Instead they are:
  • "Ouch! That hurts!"
  • "I feel like I'm drowning!"
  • "I can't take one more thing!"
  • "I don't want to stand out in a crowd!"
  • "Ministry is too hard!"
As I look at how God works in my own life, I see that He grows different parts of His fruit in different ways. Love often grows deep within after experiencing much hate and dysfunction and, then, seeing the need for the love of Jesus. Patience develops after much waiting, being still, and knowing that God is in control. Joy springs from a thankful heart...
I think I'll stop there... this has been a tough one for me lately. It seems the more I talk about it on here or write a FB status or work on my Thanksgiving list... the harder it is. Why is that? Again, another reminder that you and I are in the midst of a huge spiritual battle. We must keep our eyes on Jesus.
I got this from a friend this week... a friend who has experienced four deaths of close friends and has started grief counseling... This is blessing my friend... It is blessing me... I pray that it blesses you...

“If we would only have tomorrow that which we thanked the Lord for today how much would we have tomorrow?” If tomorrow’s supply depended on today’s thanksgiving how much would I have tomorrow?"Follow link:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



Growing up with parents devoted to studying The Word, one of the major things that I learned was to be sure to look at a verse in context. One way to do this is to look at the verse or verses before and after. Let's do that with one of our verses for this week.
Romans 8:16 says,
"The Spirit Himself bears witness

with our spirit

that we are children of God..."
PATTI'S COMMENT: When reading this verse, I quickly think of being in a courtroom scene and the Spirit of God being called to the stand to be a witness who testifies that I am indeed a child of God. Powerful!
Can I get a clearer picture with the 2 verses before verse 16?
Romans 8:14-15 says,
"For all who are being led by the Spirit of God,

these are sons of God.

For you have not received a spirit of slavery

leading to fear again,

but you have received a spirit

of adoption as sons

by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

PATTI'S COMMENT: So, in this courtroom, the Spirit of God bears witness with expert testimony knowing that I am a "son of God" because I have allowed Him to lead me without fear!
Can I get a clearer picture with the 2 verses after verse 16?

Romans 8:17-18 says,
"...and if children, heirs also,

heirs of God and

fellow heirs with Christ,

if indeed we suffer with Him

in order that we may also be glorified with Him.

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time

are not worthy to be compared

with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

PATTI'S COMMENT: My friend, Jodee, said on facebook yesterday that "The conditional particle 'if' ... does not imply doubt, but is a fulfilled condition..." Okay, now I get it, part of being a child of God, who is an heir with Christ, means that I must not be afraid to let the Holy Spirit of God lead me as I suffer with Christ.

Do not be afraid! Listen to God! Read His word and know His expectations! Trust and obey! Expect suffering along the journey as you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. The Holy Spirit will bear witness that you are a child of God. That's what He does!

When looking at verses 14 - 15, it talks about receiving the spirit.

  • QUESTION: When did you receive the Spirit of God? See Acts 2:38 for starters!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009


What happens during harvest time when I shake a lemon tree?

Hopefully, lemons fall to the ground!

In fact,that should happen with any fruit tree!

What happens when a lemon gets squeezed?

Hopefully, lemon juice comes out!.


What happens when you squeeze your tube of toothpaste?

Yep! Toothpaste meanders on out of that tube!


The last time you got squeezed, what came out?

Whew! Now, seriously, think about it!


The more I let the Holy Spirit of God do what He does IN ME, He will grow and bear His Spiritual fruit. Galatians 5 says that fruit has 9 characteristics.


I was thinking of my Gratitude List yesterday and thought about my sisters in Christ, "transformed moms", who SHINE the different characteristics of Holy Spirit fruit in their lives. I asked God for those women to come to my mind who really did reflect those characteristics of Him. Here are women from my South Jersey church family who He put on my mind. Oh, they are not the only ones, but for today, they are the ones that God has put on my mind! I am so thankful for the sweet aroma of Christ that comes out of these sisters when they "get squeezed"!

  • LOVE: Dottie Grillo
  • JOY: Brenda Peoples, Harriet Wensel

  • PEACE: Linda Krinks

  • PATIENCE: Tonya McBride

  • KINDNESS: Tina Broyles, Noreen Wills

  • GOODNESS: Mary Lea Deckard, Melody Davis

  • FAITHFULNESS: Carla Darunday

  • GENTLENESS: Melva Toy, Linda Prenger

  • SELF-CONTROL: Suzanne Kleinweber




Oh, and BTW, I'd be grateful if autumn stayed around a little longer! I hope no one shakes these trees across the street from me anytime soon!


Monday, November 16, 2009


Our church family has just spent a month focused on prayer. There were groups of people praying at the building from Friday at 6 p.m. until Saturday at 5 p.m. when the church family gathered together for the last hour to pray and praise God.
Yesterday morning, instead of the regular "sermon", our elders led the congregation in prayers of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. The last scripture that was shared right at the end of the service really caught my attention:
Romans 15:30
"Now I urge you, brethren,
by our Lord Jesus Christ
and by the love of the Spirit,
to strive together with me
in your prayers to God..."
That is just what we have been doing -
by the love of the Spirit,
striving together in prayer!!!
There is a very special love shared by brothers and sisters in Christ! It is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that grows within us once we become christians. I have a young friend who I will call, C.D. Her mom is a "transformed mom". Her dad is a man of deep spiritual convictions. Her family, including her older brother and sister, live their lives for Jesus! When a person grows up in such a family, she begins to take on those very characteristics of Christ long before making the decision to become a christian.
My friend, C.D., stands head and shoulders above many of her peers in her values, morals, and kindness. It was yesterday, though, that she chose to make the great confession, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God!" She publically proclaimed that she wanted to live her life for Jesus, "Repent of her sinful nature and be baptized!"
Now, the Holy Spirit has taken up residency and presidency in my friend. She is now my sister-in-Christ! This choice does not mean that life will always be easy. What it does mean is that she understands that "christians aren't perfect, they're just forgiven!"

  • Romans 8:16-17 "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him in order that we may also be glorified with Him."




  • Galatians 5:22-26 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."

After I left the church building and headed through the South Jersey countryside towards our life group, I passed miles and miles of orchards. At one time, these trees were just seeds. The seeds have grown into trees. The trees now bear fruit! C.D.'s parents have been planting seeds in her heart for a very long time. Now, she begins her journey, much like these trees,
Psalm 1:1-3
"How blessed is the one
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But her delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law she meditates day and night.
And she will be like a tree firmly planted
by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season,
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever she does, she prospers."

Romans 15:30
"Now I urge you, brethren,
by our Lord Jesus Christ
and by the love of the Spirit,
to strive together with me
in your prayers to God..."

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Romans 8:16-17
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God..."
Galatians 5:22
"But the fruit of the Spirit is
  • love
  • joy
  • peace
  • patience
  • kindness
  • goodness
  • faithfulness
  • gentleness
  • self-control"

As we continue our focus on what The Holy Spirit does in the life of a christian, I've changed our theme song for the next few weeks to another song that speaks of "Christ in me". So, as we begin to see that The Holy Spirit BEARS witness and BEARS fruit in our lives, join me in following the first song on the playlist with it's lyrics below.
IN ME by Casting Crowns

If you asked me to leap
Out of my boat on the crashing waves
If you ask me to go
Preach to a lost world that Jesus saves
I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me
makes me strong Makes me strong
'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that you want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth,
and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory,
by the power of Christ in me.
If you ask me to run
And carry your light into foreign land
If you ask me to fight
Deliver your people from satan's hand
I'll go, but I cannot go alone
'Cause I know I'm nothing on my own
But the power of Christ in me
makes me strong Makes me strong
'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that You want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth,
and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory,
by the power of Christ in me
To reach out with Your hands
To learn through Your eyes
To love with the love of a savior
To feel with Your heart
and to think with Your mind
I'd give my last breath for Your glory
'Cause when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
when I'm weak, You make me strong
When I'm blind you shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that You want me
So I'll stand on Your Truth,
and I'll fight with Your Strength
Until You bring the victory,
by the power of Christ in me
The power of Christ in me
The power of Christ in me