1) Steve and I attended a marriage retreat in a suburb of Minneapolis on Friday and Saturday, led by Jeff and Cathryn Walling. I had several "Ah! Ha!" moments. Yet, the major one that kept coming back to me is, "Why have I allowed the devil to steal my JOY and the JOY from our marriage?"

2) This past Thursday, I watched the OVERCOMER movie for the third time! I do not agree with everything in the movie, but I am also so convicted by many things that it shares. Blind and bedfast Thomas Hill shares, "When you find your identity through the ONE WHO created you, it will change your whole perspective!"
- Thank you, Thomas! I know WHO JESUS is! I can quote many lists of names and descriptions of the ABCs of JESUS. I know that JESUS is my big brother. Yet, am I really connecting to who I am in JESUS?!?!?!?! Do I spend most of my time feeling guilty or knowing who I am by GOD's GRACE?
- I want to be like Hannah Scott, who was able to say, "Ask me who I am!" and was able to answer JOYfully. She quickly learned that the JOY of the LORD was her strength.

3) Yesterday, in Steve's Sunday morning and evening sermons he mentioned that he'd been convicted to grow in his joy. I had not told him that I had been convicted to return to a study of JOY via this blog. I did not know that Steve had been convicted to speak about JOY yesterday. We have both been pricked, by the HOLY SPIRIT, to grow in our JOY!
Thank you, HOLY SPIRIT! Thank you, Thomas Hill! Thank you, Hanna Scott! Thank you, Jeff and Cathryn! Thank you, Steve!